Tuesday, September 10, 2024

I'm still here.......!!!

Yes I'm still around in the blog universe. It's been a very weird summer for me and I haven't been very production creatively speaking. 

Also, I have developed tinnitus in both ears. To say that I was losing it mentally for awhile is understating my reaction LOL  I couldn't focus on anything. Really horrible. 

It's very difficult to describe what your hear.  I think it's different for every one who gets the condition. For me it's that buzzing noise the street light wires make in the summer when it gets really hot. Imagine that going on and on and only you can hear it. 

I have an app that has various sounds that I listen to with headphones that has really helped me. It sort of trains you to focus on sound I guess and then not focus if that makes sense.  My favourite is the "Birds By The Pond"....tweet tweet :) Reminds me of being way up north in the woods sitting beside a stream fishing with my dad.  

The Crazy Quilt Journal Project sort of staggered to an end. I'm not really all that bothered.  I'll go back to it eventually. 

Meanwhile, I'm getting hints about the unfinished Santa Claus from certain members of the family. So I guess I better finish him first. 

Take care :) 


  1. I found that my increasing tinnitus, screamy hissing sound, related to hearing loss. I'm starting with hearing aids and its gone way down when I wear them. It sounds as if you've found a cool workaround.

    So glad you're back, productive or not!

  2. The app is called WIDEX app. I have it on my iPad but you can put it on your phone. It really has helped me a lot. I also realized I am slowly losing hearing in my left ear. I was always complaining about our in house phone. It wasn't the phone it was me :)

  3. Resident Chef has tinnitus plus some hearing loss and some days are worse than others. He says as long as he refuses to listen to it, it's not too bad but if he pays attention it's louder. I suspect that's why he has the tv on most of the time, just so he has something to focus on.


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