Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Winter finally came.....

We've been so lucky this winter with not too much snow. However, it had to's winter in Canada after all :)

This is what the top of our car looked like yesterday morning.

Right now it's -17 C with a wind chill of -28C. I think I'll just stay inside.

Take care:)


  1. I had to calculate the Celsius to Farenheit...but I think we have you beat. It is -30C here, wind chill is worse. But...not a lot of snow. It is so cold that my house is creaking, popping and cracking. I hear it may also be the ground outside as well. It is very scary!

  2. Wow, that's a lot of snow. We were hit hard here too in Ohio It was -18 Celsius not including the wind chill. Stay warm.

  3. Brrrrrrr! That would be too much for me! I'd be tucked up under a big blanket!


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