Tuesday, November 27, 2018

View from my window......

So I was sitting there sewing away and I caught a glimpse of something red out of the corner of my eye. I looked up to see a fox carrying a very dead squirrel in it's mouth standing on my neighbours driveway at the edge of our front lawn. It then proceeded to dig a hole  in our lawn and bury said squirrel.

What cheek!! 

It was there for quite awhile and my husband and son took a few pictures. It's not the first time we've seen her/him. I think it's living under our neighbours back shed.

The first two were taken by my son from my window.

My husband took these from the front porch. I think the fox noticed him perhaps.....

It then finished covering the hole it dug with leaves. At that point a car came along and it sauntered off.

Take care:)


  1. Wow - looks like he/she has been getting lots to eat! That tail is amazing. Lucky you to have a front row seat to see this. We have a family living in the bank just behind our building and we often see them going about their business.

    1. He/she..wish I knew has been hanging around for about 3 years. We often see it walking about in the early morning.

  2. Replies
    1. We get all kinds of wildlife around my house. The other day we pulling into the driveway and almost hit a rabbit. I live in an very urban area so it always surprises me.

  3. Amazing that you were able to get such great pictures. I have only seen a fox two times. Once along the road and it jumped back into a cornfield. The we saw one sauntering along the walkway at the VA hospital in Marion Indiana. I had no idea they buried their food!!
    xx, Carol

    1. I didn't either but there it was digging away just like a dog. Despite the fact that my husband was obviously right there it very carefully covered the area with leaves. Very cool and collected. A city fox.

  4. WOW! It's beautiful! What a treat to see.

  5. Very beautiful. The fur was an awesome colour and so soft looking and it's eyes. Amazing :)

  6. Lucky you to get an up close look at this beautiful creature and then to top it off with photos!

    1. Much better that the fat old skunk we get. He wanders up and down the driveway some mornings. He's beautiful in his own way :)


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