Friday, July 1, 2022

Finish Friday and CQJP2022...................

I belong to a Facebook group called Crazy Quilt Divas and they have started a new thread called Finish Friday. The thread is designed to get you back stitching on an abandoned CQ project. I really don't have a lot of those (itty bitty fib) but I will join in when I can.

This is a before and after of a block I did last year. I'm really not sure what I was thinking of when I did it?? I never finished it because I couldn't decide what to put in the middle. 

The first pic was taken inside last December and the second taken today outside on a cloudy day. I can't believe how washed out the first one looks. The second is pretty close to the actual colours. 

Basically all I did was take out the beige seams and using the three main colours in the embroidery redid them. Then I used those colours for the small flowers in the middle. I'm calling it done. 


The second finished block for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2022.  Yes I know it's July 1st and I'm a wee bit behind but whatever 😀

I have even started my third block.......I'm on a roll.

Take care :) 


  1. Your hand work is impeccable! I love when you post your projects.

  2. So good to see your work again. It makes me consider embroidered blocks..

    1. I'll be posting more often. I like these small projects.

  3. Lovely work. I shall try and do some embroidery soon.

  4. There is so much to see in your blocks. I love the edging of the heart as well as all the is inside it.
    Queenie Patch

    1. Thank you :) It's a challenge to finish the raw edge. Using chain stitch and a bit of lace seems to work.

  5. Nice to have a prompt to encourage us to finish projects. I'm afraid I've given up on CQ - at least for the time being. Landscapes seem to have captured my imagination but I still put CQ elements into those too.

    1. Too be honest I'm getting tired of CQ as well but I will finish my CQJP blocks.....eventually.


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