Tuesday, July 5, 2022

CQJP2022......Block 3

So I'm getting into the swing of things again after a bit of a creative slump. I have finished my block for March 2022.  When I first put these colours together I thought maybe not but I kinda like them now.  They look very bright in this pic but in actual fact they are bit more subdued in reality...honest. 

No complicated stitching...chain stitch, outline stitch, French knot, fly stitch, lazy daisy stitch and wheat ear. I had a lot of odd beads in green left over from other projects so I used them to secure some dyed hem tape. 

I am very proud of my itty bitty spider.

Take care :)


  1. Great heart - made me think of watermelon which is perfect for this time of year.

    1. Thank you :) Ha I thought exactly the same thing after I looked at the picture.


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