Sunday, December 19, 2021

Technical Difficulties Part Deux.....


My tech support (the son) suggested that I download Google Chrome and use that for Blogger. Lo and behold it worked. I now have an acceptable (to Blogger) "Google" profile so that I can leave comments on other blogs as well as reply to comments on this blog.  It's the same profile I had before but because I'm using a Mac with Safari as my platform there is a disconnect. 

On another technical front. I now have a smart phone. I've never owned a cell phone in my life. I'm not sure I really want one but it's become a necessity with the lack of public phones available these Covid days. 

Take care :) 


  1. I started having problems with comments a few weeks ago...including making comments on my own blog! I switched my comments from "embedded" to a "Pop up" style and that works too. I could not comment on your blog, so I tried going thru Chrome like your son suggested and that worked for this comment. So, I guess I have to use Chrome for blogs?? Aw, criminy.

  2. I must try that and see if that works for me. It really is a pain.

  3. Lin I tried your suggestion. I'm not in Google Chrome and I can leave a comment.

  4. I have a new Apple Mac which I am just coming to grips with.I also have an Apple smart phone with too many features to use or understand. My children give me these things to make sure I stay up to date in this brave new world. I hope they never try to give me one of those scary watches that does everything you can think of.
    I am pleased to see you back, wondered where you were.
    Hope you have a Happy Snowy Christmas, it is very hot here.

  5. It took me about a week to get the Mac set up to do what I wanted but I'm very happy with it now. Much clearer and so much faster. Don't talk to me about the phone LOL I had my first incoming call today and couldn't figure out how to answer it. I thought you just pressed the phone icon but apparently not. You have to touch and swipe. Sigh.

  6. I use Chrome on my computer so perhaps that's the answer. And there's a new phone currently sitting under the tree waiting for me to muster enough courage to try to muddle my way through setting it up. I wonder if there's an 8 year old in our building wanting to earn a few bucks....

  7. I feel like the phone is smarter than I am :)


If you leave a comment and I don't respond it's because I didn't get an email notice. It could be because you are a "no reply" blogger. Here is a way to fix that......