Wednesday, December 22, 2021

CQJP 2021........

I did make up four blocks to finish the year out and I did make a start on all of them but then I had the issue with my glasses so....

Now I'm sorta having second thoughts about my original idea too. Also, I think I've lost my CQJP 2021 incentive so I'll put them aside til later.

Here is one partly finished. I don't know whether to fill in the middle or leave it blank?

Take care and keep safe 😀


  1. If you're interested in a suggestion? Trail the design across the segments to the middle, just a couple of touches might be very interesting.

  2. I mean so they'll appear to radiate out from the center, tie them all together.

    It's already lovely, these are just nosy comments!

  3. Thank you for the idea :) All input is welcome.

  4. My CQ mojo seems to have left the premises and now my passion is the landscapes. Not to say CQ won't come back at some point.
    As for your question about the block....what if you were to just add a teeny bit of colour to the flowers in the center? The fabric is so pretty on its own but it might balance with the rest of the block if there were just a tiny bit of colour added. Just my two cents worth!!!

    1. Yeh I think my CQ muse went on vacation LOL Right now I'm doing cross stitch.

      It needs something. Originally I had a small pic of a kitten but then I went off on a different tangent and it didn't suit the embroidery.

  5. Pretty. I think I would put something in the middle.


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