Saturday, February 27, 2021

February Block For 2021 Crazy Quilt Journal Project.......

Here is my fan block for February. I added a heart for Valentines though originally I didn't intend to do one but ya know. It's been a great exercise in doing seam treatments. On to the next block.

Take care and keep safe :)


  1. There's some lovely embroidery on that piece. Will this block a month eventually become a quilt?

    1. Thank you. There are four pieces that I'm going to make into a wall hanging.

  2. This looks great Mary Ann - I love the way you did the leaves on the heart seam.

    1. Thank You:) That type do have a name but I can't recall at the moment what it is. Three joined chain stitches up the middle...two detached chain stitch sorta half way... one on each side..then two detached on each side at the bottom. I hope that makes sense.


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