Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween............... year because it's been cancelled in TO. We are in a stage 2 level of Covid so it is being encouraged to keep the kiddies home. It's hard to explain to the little ones why they can't trick or treat especially since they all go to school together and they all play on the street together.

Ah well. My son is still going to shell out but not in person. His plan is the put the treats out on the front yard and let the kids take some. I see flaws in his plan though. He doesn't care. He just wants to celebrate Halloween.

Take care and keep safe:)


  1. I've seen several posts on the internet about people using 6' sections of either PVC pipe or the cardboard 'innards' from carpet rolls - decorating them - and then sending the treats down the tube to the kids. Might be a thought!

  2. One of our neighbours says she is going to leave sweets out at the front of her house too!
    I’m just hoping no one calls here ..... they aren’t supposed to, but you never know. Other neighbours just across the road from us have lots of lights and decorations in their windows - looks like Christmas from here!
    Happy Halloween!
    Barbara xx

    1. Happy Halloween to you too. The houses around here are decorated even more that usual. Here's a link to one article about it......

  3. Halloween is not such a big thing here though shops are selling decorations so someone must buy them.

    1. It's huge in North America next to Christmas. At least this year the weather was dry. I usually rains.

  4. We opted out of giving out candy. A) it's a pain in the neck anyway, B) I didn't want to wear a mask in my own home for giving out candy and C) I wasn't that excited anyway to rig up a shoot or anything else to get the candy to the kids and D) the town I live in had all sorts of parties (outside) to get the candy to kids. I didn't feel guilty...especially when I saw that my neighbors were all doing the same as me.

    1. Sorry I almost missed your comment. We didn't shell out either. It was a very quiet Halloween around here.


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