Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Life goes merrily along.........

Things are getting better here where I live as far as Covid19 restrictions. We are now allowed to get together in small family groups aka bubbles. I finally got to see my younger son and his family. We haven't been together in person since February. I got a shock to see how much my granddaughter had grown and my little grandson is walking and running full tilt :)

More and more stores are opening up and local major malls have been allowed to open to the public with serious new restrictions such as one way traffic lanes. Life has become a bit unreal in the world of retail.

What is sad are the number of small local stores that are still closed and may never reopen.  I was pondering the fact that so many people have been shopping for essentials online that they may continue to do so. 

Face masks or face coverings are now mandatory in all enclosed public places. That should have happened at the beginning in my humble opinion.

There are still lots of basic things missing from the shelves in our local supermarket such as yeast.  Tons of toilet paper though. They had it on sale even.

Hopefully I can get an appointment with my hair dresser soon as I need a haircut desperately. I look like something dragged through a hedge backwards.

Ah well.

On another subject altogether.

I was very fortunate to win a $25 dollar gift certificate from Green Fairy Quilts for participating in the Perfectly Pleasing Pincushion Parade. A very nice surprise.

The only downside is that I'm hooked on making pin cushions. I may have a few in process.

Take care and keep safe :)


  1. We were at that stage a few weeks ago and we have strayed out a bit...but not much. I will leave that to the more brave folks. Numbers are rising again in some states, so we prefer to stay within our own "bubble" for now, waiting to see how opening things up fares.

    I've had a haircut, color and a mani/pedi and I will admit that it certainly boosts the spirit! I hope you get there soon.

    Yea for the big win with the gift certificate!

    1. I went in a store for the first time since the middle of March...a hardware store so no big thrill. It was eerily quiet. I felt like whispering when I talked to my husband. The numbers here in Ontario are not too bad but I'm in the high risk group so while there are still new cases it's best to be careful.

      My hairdresser is fully booked up for a month so I have to hang in there :)

  2. Congratulations on your big win! So now you're needing your pin cushion fix. It does go that way.

    I'm glad you could visit with the grands and exclaim at how they've grown.

    1. Yes it was nice to get a win and some new fabric :) I have the latest GK pic in my top right corner. My granddaughter was the biggest shock. She is as tall as her other grandmother.

  3. And I forgot to wish you Happy Canada Day!

  4. I know how you must feel getting to visit the Grands......I visited with my Mom and a couple of siblings for a week and it was wonderful. I have plans to visit my Grands in August as long as all goes well. I don't have any underlying conditions but I do have type A blood, which they are saying gets the virus symptoms much stronger....booo......

    1. It was very exciting to see them again. Now that we can visit I get to take them to the park a few days a week while their mum and dad work from home.

      I was in lockdown because I'm 70 years old, have type A blood, am a borderline diabetic and a cancer survivor. Not a chance in heck that my family would let me go anywhere near other people.

  5. Hi Mary Ann congrats on your win and our state has gone back into lock down ,wish this covid would just disappear,so glad that you got to see your family,hope you have a lovely day xx

    1. We have slowly eased into reopening stuff and so far the numbers have stayed down. I hope you have a great day too :)

  6. The toilet roll panic buying has started again here due to one state having a large spike in virus numbers. Good luck with the hair cut, I have been able to have mine cut all the way through lockdown as my hairdresser never closed or wore masks!! I agree some shops will never open again sadly.

    1. I don't understand the thing with toilet paper??? Keep safe.

  7. I'm glad you got to spend some time with your family...Things in the UK are starting to ease up a little, but I'm staying pretty cautious and taking things easy and not rushing out to the shops or pubs. I get a bit claustrophobic in the masks so I'm trying to get used to them. I'm not sure what the new 'normal' will look like. Happy belated Canada Day to you!

  8. I've tried a few styles of masks and none of them are comfortable really. Specially if you where glasses. Just made a new one for my son that I hope works out.

  9. Finally seeing your family must have felt so good. As for the stores, I've come to the realization that shopping on a Monday or a Friday (forget the weekends altogether) is not a good thing, at least in this area. I was astounded when I went on Monday to see the shelves back to what they were when the pandemic started and finally realized it's because the cottagers are coming in swarms and cleaning our stores out. Unfortunately most of them don't think about what that does to our local needs - to say nothing about them bringing their devil-may-care attitudes towards distancing. Not all of them are bad but certainly a large percentage don't seem to care about what happens in the small communities. No hairdresser for me for quite awhile yet - DH is doing quite well with mine so for the time being he has the job. Works cheap too!

    1. My husband used to do the grocery shopping a 8:00 am on Thursday as it was seniors only shopping at that hour. Now that most people are back at work the lineups are manageable or even none at all. There are things missing from the shelves that make no sense at all like Ragu brand spaghetti sauce. Quite annoyed about that because it is the best in my humble opinion. We also have our idiots like the 10,000 that congregated in one of the parks here early on despite all the warnings. There will always be those who think they are entitled and don't have to follow the rules or give a sh*t about anyone else. Nuff said :)

  10. Congratulations on your own - how did I miss this! Yes, I can't understand why masks havnt been mandatory since the beginning of this pandemic. Countries that have had far less cases. Oh well. Stay safe. xx

    1. Thank you it was a nice surprise. Keep safe too.

  11. Lovely to get an update from you, Mary Ann. I'm glad that you're allowed a bit more freedom and I'm sad with you for all the shops and habits we will lose before this is over. We need to face the fact that life will never be the same again and start fitting ourselves out for the future. My consolation is that humans are resilient; we will find a way to make our lives a happy place again.

    1. Very true. This is the new norm and we will find ways to deal with it.


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