Saturday, July 18, 2020

Life According to Covid.......

I finally was able to make an appointment with my hairdresser.  Usually I can get it the same day but this time it was in a couple of weeks. Understandable considering the present situation.

We don't live in her area of the city now but I felt that I needed to support an old friend. She has been cutting my hair for 20 years.

My hairdresser is in an office building at a major intersection of the city. I go to her because I used to work in the building.  I arrived a bit early and when I went in I saw only two people. The ground floor pedestrian area was completely empty. Usually there are lots of people hanging around.

Very eerie. I get to my hairdresser and the doors are closed. A notice said by appointment only. You must wear a mask and gloves. Gloves? Great!  I didn't know that and I don't have any.

I looked in the window and saw no one? Is it the wrong day?  Then a voice behind says "don't worry I was just getting a coffee." Sigh of relief.

I wear my hair very short and my hairdresser is always giving me a hard time because I wait too long between appointments...according to her anyway.  She took one look at my hair and groaned. The last time I saw her was in December and my hair was a bit long :)

We go in and it seems I am the only client. My hairdresser offers me a hand sanitizer, takes my temperature with one of those gun thingies and then asks me to put on some surgical gloves. No problem.

Masked, sanitized and gloved I go forth to get my hair washed. I ask if I should take off my mask. Apparently not. I had my hair washed with mask on. Okay. My mask did get a bit wet but it is washable.

Then I go to the chair, get the usual cape on and ask if I should take my mask off now. Apparently not. My hair was cut with mask on. Naturally I was a bit concerned about that. I had visions of her cutting the elastic on my mask as she cut the hair near my ears. I was also a bit worried about what this haircut was going to look like.

But, I'm happy to say that it was all fine. Whew.

She told me that she has had to learn a bunch of new skills. She is not a very happy hairdresser. Oh and I have gone greyer....I wonder why?

Take care and keep safe :)


  1. I wondered what the process would be like and how they would manage to deal with a mask...both yours and theirs. I'm surprised she washed your hair because I've heard that most aren't doing that and are suggesting that you arrive with your hair wet. At present I'm not too worried about mine - Resident Chef has been doing a great job of cutting it so I think I might just let him continue, at least for the time being.

    1. I had no idea what to expect. Since she had a gown thingy on with gloves and a mask I thought I could take my mask off. Lucky you. I wouldn't let any of the men in my family near my hair LOL

  2. I have just been letting it grow and ponytailing it :)

    1. My hair was way too short to do that and it bugged me because it came down to my nose in front. I used bobby pins to keep it out of my face. It made me feel like I was a hundred years older than I am:)

  3. What an experience and I thought my visit to the eye specialist was bad enough. It's business as usual for my hairdresser with no precautions at all.

    1. Hopefully next time will be a bit more normal.

  4. I'm glad your hairdresser is protecting you and herself. With so many salons closed down by states orders they must do what they can to survive...economically and literally. And glad you were able to finally get a haircut!

    1. Here we are still in stage 2 of the reopening plan in Ontario. It's important that we all obey the guidelines and have consideration for others and most of all keep our sense of humour and have patience. Things will get better.

      I felt much lighter after I had my hair cut. Not physically but mentally.

    2. Luckily I last visited the hairdressers just before the March lockdown here in England. But now I’m nervous about having my hair cut again. My hairdresser usually comes to my house. I guess I will call her when my hair really drives me mad!
      Barbara xx

    3. I think I'll wait til things maybe settle down a bit here before I go again. She cut my hair super short so it will be awhile before I go crazy again.


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