Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Can it get any worse..........?

We haven't been able to sell our house because of Covid so it sits empty. Someone must have noticed that we only go over on certain days and took the opportunity to break into it.

There is very little in the house at the moment. Just some odd furniture and boxes of books and dishes to go into storage eventually. They did break into a small safe which is now toast and will have to be dumped. No worries as there was nothing in it. It seems that they took nothing and were extremely tidy thieves.


My brother lives in a building that is an apartment block for seniors and they all have their own suites but have communal areas for meals and such. They have just tested everyone for Covid and they have one case. The building has been in lock down since mid February. Very scary and worrying.

I'm really really tired of the year 2020. 

Take care and stay safe!!!!


  1. Oh, shoot. How terrible and sick that someone took the opportunity to break in. Mix up the days that you go there to check...maybe ask the police or a neighbor nearby to stop by every so often as well. You don't want someone to break in and do damage or have a party there if they know it is empty. Maybe a camera inside?? Might be worth the couple of extra dollars.

    I hope that your brother fares well in that situation. It's so hard because you don't know how the caregivers are living in their personal lives and who they are exposed to. Most are low-level income and may live with many people, thus increasing the exposure level. It is very scary.

    1. The neighbours are now aware as we had police looking around. The problem is that the house next to us is empty...also up for sale....and a house over the street is also empty...recently not too much neighbourhood watch going on at the moment.

      My brother is in good hands so that's why it's a bit of a shock.

  2. So sorry about the break-in. As if there weren't enough stress around. Good thing you had only left a few items, nothing appealing to someone wanting to sell quickly.

    1. That's what the police said. Everything will be moved out this week.

  3. Awful news about the break-in, even though nothing was taken and the house wasn't vandalised it is so upsetting and it will take time for you to recover.
    Hope your brother stays safe and well looked after.
    Yes roll on 2021 and we will all try to forget 2020.

    1. I will be celebrating the end of 2020 for sure :)

  4. So sorry to hear about all the trials you are going through. It almost seems at times that a person or a particular family will just get so much dumped on them at a time. Hope the road turns for you soon.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about the break in - people just don't respect property it seems. I'm sure they were hugely disappointed when they didn't find anything worth taking (looks good on them!). I'm sorry about the virus being where your brother lives - hope he stays well and safe.

  6. The weird thing was how tidy they were. If the door hadn't been broken we might not have noticed. Ah well. My brother has been in quarantine since February as he had surgery. I feel very sorry for him because of that and now the immediate threat where he lives.

  7. Sorry to hear about the break in, hope there won’t be any more problems now!
    And sorry too, to hear about the virus being in your brother’s home, hope he will be OK!
    Barbara xx

    1. Thanks Barbara :) Fingers crossed as it seems the one case is not serious.


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