Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ribbon Madness.......

.......well not quite. But ribbon fun...yes!

I was a given a gift card for Indigo-Chapters at Christmas time. I finally got around to using it and bought myself "How To Make 100 Ribbon Embellishments". Someone mentioned it on another blog and I thought it looked interesting.

Amazon has pics of the inside of the book if your're interested.
So I tried out an embellishment called "Rosebud Trim". Here it is placed on a CQ square I'm starting. I don't know yet if I'll use it on this block.

My attempt actually looks like the picture in the book....LOL Honest. Maybe not as neat but for a first attempt I'm pretty chuffed. There are some really lovely embellishments. I can see a lot of ribbons in my future.

Take care :)


  1. That looks really pretty - well done. xx

  2. Very cool! I think you did a great job!

    (Is it "Lin" Comment day??! )

    1. Thank you Lin. LOL Sometimes I think why is Lin commenting twice and then I squint at the little pic you both have and twig.

  3. Well, that looks like an interesting book. That trim is sure pretty and I really like the little pearls in the center of the flowers. If you do more, I hope you show it here.
    xx, Carol

    1. Thank you Carol. I have a lot of odds and ends of ribbon that can maybe be used up now ;)

  4. Oh dear I’m hooked. Off to see if my local book shop can get it for me. Your trim looks lovely. Hugs Mrs A

    1. Thank you :) You might try the library too. I just found out my local one has an embroidery book that I've been looking for that is now out of print. Who knew.

  5. That looks like it would be a handy and interesting book

  6. Uh oh - another book to add to my wish list!

    1. Sorry:) I got it on sale too. $8.50 off the regular price. Not sure why there was a sale that day.

  7. Hi Mary Anne... I can see you using the ribbons to create interesting fabrics for your dolls. Stretching the mind for you... lol Good job on that ribbon, we keep learning don't we. Romona

    1. Thank you. Of course some of those ribbons will used on dolls :)


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