Friday, August 23, 2019

A Finish.........

My boudoir rag doll is done.The pattern and face template are by Gabriele Cardy.

I wanted to dress her all in black but of course I really didn't have enough of the right weight of fabric All I had was much too heavy for a doll. I made a resolution not to buy any fabric this year as I have lots. So I really looked hard at my stash and I did manage to find a couple of small bits. For her blouse I ended up using a piece of silk skirt lining that I had. Her skirt is a small bit of fine man made linen.

I made her bodice by using a strip of my lining fabric, hemming the edge and then gathering it. Worked great and showed her cleavage which to me is an intrinsic part of this boudoir doll.
I used the sleeve pattern from the book and one of the two skirt patterns offered. It was supposed to be four panels but I only had enough fabric to make it two. Oh well. Typical.

I painted the boot part black with some black paint that I bought totally by accident. I was in a rush one day and picked up what I thought was black acrylic paint. Ha! It was gloss enamel. Serendipity I guess. I've since used it a few times to make "leather" looking shoes/boots.

Next she needed a big hat. I used the pattern in the book and embellished it with lace and ribbon. I also added a wee bit of black marabou. Voila!

I was going to call her the Winsome Widow of Whiskey Wells. But I think she would rather be called Rose Marie. She has a whole background story in my imagination. She definitely is "The Widow" with a mysterious past looking for a new husband no doubt.

Take care :)


  1. She's beautiful! I admit I wasn't thinking a widow - first thought was a lady of the night (I know - where IS my mind!!). Funny how dolls will tell us what/who they want to be.

    1. Thank you:) I was originally thinking of making her a saloon girl in the Wild West or a Parisian can can dancer but she became a widow. LOL

  2. Your rag doll is beautiful!
    I love the outfit you made her.
    Well done!
    Barbara xx

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. Gabriele Cardy is the designer of the face so I can't take credit for that.

  4. Very chic. I take it you went with black boots in the end. Hugs Mrs A.

    1. Thank you. Yes I painted on black boots. I'll add a pic to my post above to show you :)

  5. I am a firm believer that dolls decide what they will be! She's gorgeous.
    xx, Carol

  6. I love the details! She sure is a beauty. No doubt she will catch the eye of someone quick!


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