Friday, March 4, 2016

McMansions in the snow.........................................

Well March came in like a lion rather than a lamb. We had no snow and then...ah well. It's going to go up to a sweltering 14C on Tuesday so hopefully it will melt.

A few of you were asking about the new houses that are being built across the street from us.

Remember July

Now....the new houses are almost finished.....they are still working inside.
What a difference.

They haven't started demolishing the house next door to us as yet. It's been sitting empty since last summer. Oh joy I can't wait......NOT!!!!!!

I dread the thought of another summer full of destruction construction fun.

Take care :)


  1. I suppose the houses do look quite nice but the noise and disruption for them to reach that stage, must have been a right hassle for those of you living closer to them.
    I'm sorry you have the next door one to suffer through too and just hope the builders are at least thoughtful as to start and finish times - so your summer days are not full of noise, dust and exposed builders bums!

  2. They kinda stick out, don't they! Close the curtains, ear muffs and gather your favourite hobby supplies. vbsigh

  3. One thing I am discovering about myself is that I have, in my older age, resistant to change. Maybe I always have been. I like the prior view better. The new houses' designs are not very attractive at all. And it looks like they put as much house as they could on a small lot.

    Sorry Mary Ann...summer will not be fun.
    xx, Carol


  4. Life is too short to fret over things we have no control over. Yes, it will be a different summer no doubt about it. This is also a good opportunity to dig out your camera and grab a sketchbook and go out and get too know your town or city or visit with friends.

  5. I like Quilts 204 advice...oh, how I wish I could do that! I hope that you can take that great advice and enjoy your summer regardless of the neighbors.

    And while I don't really like the new houses, I guess it is better than letting old houses fall into disrepair. Now THAT would be far more frustrating to live near.

  6. Living in a construction zone is certainly not fun - but I have to say the new houses dont look all THAT bad. I certainly have seen a whole lot worse.

  7. At least those houses across the street are just about finished. I see they saved the trees.

    Enjoy your spring and hopefully it won't be a destruction construction summer!


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