Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Joyful Embellishment .......

Valerie Bothell.......co-author with Allie Aller of Quilting..Just a Little Bit Crazy!...... has started a Facebook group called Joyful Embellishments. The purpose of the group is to discover new crazy quilting seam and motif ideas.

To find it just do a search for Joyful Embellishments on Facebook. 

Valerie will be posting a new stitch idea Monday through Friday of each week. They will be based on variations of standard stitches such as the Herringbone Stitch. By the end of the year you will have tons of new stitch ideas to use on your crazy quilts.

Everyone can stitch along and post their work. So far there has been some amazing eye candy to see.

If you're not a Facebook person Valerie has also created a Pinterest board where she has posted pictures of her daily stitch ideas. So far there 38 ideas.

Pinterest board.....you can find it under Joyful Embellishments...https://www.pinterest.com/valbothell/joyful-embellishments/

Take care:)  


  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I think I need to investigate this.

  2. Thank you for this Mary Ann - I am off to find the facebook page. xx

  3. Thanks for the Pinterest link Mary Ann, off to go give her a follow!


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