Saturday, June 5, 2021

CQJP 2021.........

I'm still working on the Crazy Quilting Journal Project for 2021. Except I took a wee bit of a detour from my original plan. I realized that I hadn't seen a lot Steampunk themed crazy quilt blocks. I love Steampunk so I thought I'd give it try. I have a lot of cogs and watch pieces and metal stuff that I can use. Luckily I also have some fat quarters that I think suit the theme. is my CQJP block for May 2021. 

Recycled bits and pieces.

I see I should have used a lint brush to remove the fluff ...ah well.

Take care and keep safe 😃


  1. Fluff? What fluff? I'm to interesting in identifying all those metal bits to notice any fluff!. I love how you've used metal pieces as seam treatments and built on them.

    1. Thank you :) I only noticed when I posted the small pic LOL

    2. I can't see all the gold thread that I used either. Ah well.

  2. What an amazing idea. I really love how you made this. Great combos.

  3. What a clever idea using all the metal bits and pieces. I have to keep looking to see what else I can identify.

    1. Thank you very much. I have lots of bits and pieces saved for doll making and such.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Megan :) It's a challenge to come up with ideas to use the bits and pieces I have.


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