Thursday, August 6, 2020

Not much happening........

Except a lot of rain. What a wet summer we are having. Even tornado warnings. At the age of 16 our poor cat has developed a fear of storms. We know when a storm is about to happen as she hides under the bed. We were a bit worried about her as she stopped eating after a particularly bad few days. But, she seems to be back to her old self today. Her noisy demands for food are nice to hear :)

On the sewing front. My granddaughter has decided to play with her American Girl doll again so I have been asked to make more clothes and shoes.

This is an outfit from a PDF pattern she picked out on Etsy. It is a design called a culotte jumpsuit designed by Liberty Jane at Pixie Faire Patterns.

It's okay but I'm not in love with where the straps are placed. I think they should be a bit more to the middle of the shoulders rather than on the edge. They are placed where the princess seam is on the bodice.  Very awkward to fit right on the doll.  A re-design I think if I make this outfit again.

I made two of the three versions...the short and the long. The fabric was chosen by the granddaughter from my stash :)

I had to borrow her doll for a day as trying to guess the correct length of the long pants and how long the straps should be would be impossible without one.

Take care and keep safe :) 


  1. I'd be inclined to do a bit playing with her before she returns home. Just to be sure, you know..i like the long version a lot.

    1. Thank you :) I originally wasn't allowed to have her as the doll was very busy apparently. Who knew dolls had such busy lives. Anyway the GD went away with her mum on a girls weekend and my son let me borrow her.

      I like the fabric in the long one. I wish I had more. The pic doesn't show the true colours. It's much brighter.

  2. Both versions are so pretty! I love the Pixie Faire website. They have lots of patterns and many are free. I always try to make the outfits easy-on/easy-off for those little hands that aren't as nibble as ours yet...

    1. The quality of their patterns is very good. I've never been disappointed with anything I've made really. I use a Velcro strip...1/2 of the inch wide...that I zig zag on. Works great.

  3. I think it would be cute to have the straps go around her neck like a halter. It's adorable either way. I'm glad that she is back to playing with her doll again. And it is so sweet that you make sure she is the best dressed dolly in the 'hood!

    I wonder if your kitty might have some hearing issues and those loud booms scare her because she doesn't hear them coming. I bet she can smell the rain and then just hides. Poor thing. Getting old sucks.

    1. That's an excellent idea. Much easier than fooling around with getting the straps the same length. I'm also glad to see her playing with her doll. They grow up too fast.

      There was one storm that had huge thunder claps that were right over our head. It was really something and went on and on. Took down trees with the force of the wind and rain. After that she has been a bit spooked by loud noises. Poor cat.

  4. Maybe you could find a used doll somewhere to use as a model. These are great outfits and I like the idea of creating a halter-type straps. Do you know how old a little girl would be when she would start playing this this size doll?
    xx, Carol

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe Walmart might have something. My GD started playing with a 16 inch Wellie Wisher doll when she was about 6 years old. It's another product of American Doll. I think they are for the 5 to 7 year old group. She got this 18 inch version of American Doll last Christmas when she was 9 years old. They are recommended for 8 and up. She plays with both of them.

    2. My little great grand is only 6 months old. But at 68 I wonder if I'll be around to make doll clothes. If I am I wonder if my fingers will be nimble enough to make them. I have been thinking about getting a doll now and making a wardrobe so she will have it when she is ready for it. I like that little Wellie Wisher doll more than the larger doll. Thanks for all the links you have provided in your doll wardrobe posts. I'm going to research it ALL>
      xx, Carol

  5. I think I've said it before but that doll is dressed better than anyone I know including me, I love her outfits. Lucky granddaughter to have such a talented grandma.

    1. Thank you :) I complain when I'm making the clothes because they are so fiddly and small but it's worth it to see my granddaughter's face when I give her a new outfit.

  6. Alas no little girls to make doll clothes for in my family. You have a lucky little girl with the best-dressed doll going!

    1. I had two sons so no dolls to play with then except maybe a He Man action figure or Skeletor or Batman or Hans Solo. Meh :( So having a little girl in the family is a real treat for me.


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