Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Unpacking stuff......

So we have not been able to put our old house on the market as yet as there is a situation going on that makes that impossible. Talk about making a move at the wrong time. Ah well that's life I guess. We considered moving back but we are comfortable in our new place.

Don't ask why but I have a bunch of Barbie dolls and thirty-one patterns for Barbie clothes. Some are pretty old.  I considered tossing them out or selling them but I decided to keep them.

Here is one from 1959. I remember my mum making the bridal dress as an evening gown for my Barbie in emerald green silk. The fabric was left over from a dress made for my aunt.

Ah memories.......:)

I guess if I really need something to do I could make some Barbie clothes.

Take care and keep safe.


  1. Methinks if you're making American Girl doll things now, it won't be long until the little love will change over to Barbies and you'll be glad you kept the patterns.

    1. There's also an Elsa doll that she's fond of as well....my work is never done :)

  2. With your skills you could make Barbie clothes to sell on Etsy or eBay, after your grandaughter had first choice of course. You must have inherited your dressmaking talents from your mother.

    1. I actually do have a store on Etsy from years ago when I made mice. It's been so long since I used it it may have been closed by Etsy. My mum was a tailoress. She started work for a clothing firm in Glasgow when she was 16. They saw her talent and put her into an apprenticeship. She could make anything you asked her to make.

  3. I think those patterns don't take up much space so keep them! We will just start our move to CA in about 1 month. We are not selling our house. There are repairs to be made if we sell plus we would have to put in a new compliant septic system that is grandfathered now. My daughter can deal with all that when we are gone. Besides, with her job shut down for so long, I guess she could live here if she had to.
    Stay well.
    xx, Carol

    1. I was thinking about you and your move. Good luck. Gerry Kruger from Olderrose recently moved as well. Not the best time but who knew.

  4. That is cool that you found those old patterns...but no thank you....I would get so crabby making those teeny tiny clothes!

    Sorry about the hassle with the house. ugh.

    1. Yes I'm with you. All those tiny pieces might be a bit much to deal with :)


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