Monday, April 20, 2020

Making stuff.......

When you cannot go out the day seems very long so the best thing to do is to keep busy.

I made a pair of very tiny yellow running shoes from Kona cotton. The pattern is called "Michele Designs Pixie Sweet Slip-ons". Now I've made one pair I know what I would do different next time. They are a bit skew-if so that it's hard to tell the right from the left. Ideally I would have had the doll here to use her foot as a last. Much easier to measure the sides for gluing with the foot in the shoe.

Coincidentally I come from a long line of Irish shoe and boot makers. Even my dad used to re-heel his leather brogues. He had the wooden lasts belonging to his dad. Sadly the lasts have disappeared.

And, I made some Irish soda bread. I haven't made this recipe in ages but it looks like it should.

Take care :)


  1. I love the shoes. Now I need to see the owner. Is there a track suit?

    1. The doll is in an earlier post and the granddaughter is in the top right hand pic on my blog page:) No tracksuit yet but she picked out a bomber type jacket that is really complicated. It's even lined. That should keep me busy :)

  2. Love them. Being a cobbler is in your genes!
    xx, Carol

    1. Thank you :) I think I'll make one more pair of shoes and that's definitely it for me.

  3. Those little shoes are so sweet! I love how you are carrying on the family tradition.

    1. Thank you. The carrying on is just by accident but it is fun :)

  4. aww - those shoes are so cute! I'm sure the little person these are for won't notice if they're a bit 'off'.

    1. She's being very patient as I have not been able to deliver them as yet.


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