Friday, April 3, 2020

Making masks..........

I was requested to make a face mask and I found a pattern that I thought I'd share. It's from "The Crafty Quilter".

Here is the link..........Face Mask Pattern. 

I made two versions. One with ties and one with elastic. The elastic can be adjusted by the wearer and then you can slide the elastic around so the knot is inside the casing.

The request was for a blue mask so I made them from a polyester fabric that was in my stash. It's actually used for men's shirts. It seemed perfect as it has a very high thread count. I also lined them with a very thin pellon. I of course ran out of the right colour of thread and had to use a bluey grey. Typical ...:)

After I made them I also saw this article about what fabrics to use that was very interesting.

Hope you are well and trying not to go stir crazy.

Take care :)


  1. Thankyou for the link to the article on what fabrics to use. Very useful statisitics and clearly written. I have been looking at face mask tutorials on You Tube and almost gave up the ghost at all the conflicting materials to use for the filter inside. Also the different styles. Some with a pipe cleaner or a metal piece for across the bridge of the nose to seal more effectively. We are supposed to be staying indoors because of our age but we are not old enough or ill enough according to the government to qualify for priority food deliveries slots and none other available so we have to go out and get what we can. Will not be venturing out though until i have made a couple of masks. Hugs ValeryAnne. ps. have just made my very first waldorf doll.

  2. People here are making masks too, I don't think I'll try. Last time I tried to wear a mask my glasses steamed up. Not stir crazy yet but who knows what the future holds.

  3. Great pattern!
    Have been staying home mostly, other than walking for exercise.
    We’ve been lucky to get priority shopping deliveries as my husband is over 70 and we already had a loyalty card with our usual grocers so they knew his age.
    Might yet need masks so I found this most useful, thanks Mary Anne! Although not sure I’d want to use my dishcloths as masks!😬
    Barbara xx 😊

    1. Both me and my husband can take advantage of the special shopping hours they have for seniors. My husband has been doing the grocery shopping as they only want one person per family. So I've been pretty much isolated.


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