Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Moving downtown.....

We have finally moved to the new place..... downtown. "Downtown" because we lived at the northern border of Toronto in NorthYork and now live very near High Park. To us that's downtown :) On a map it doesn't look like a big difference but in travel time and hassle it is a huge difference. Specially during rush hour which seems to last all day in Toronto.

We are all pooped to say the least and of course the unexpected happened.

My brother who is 80 and an extreme diabetic took ill and was admitted to hospital the day before our move. He had one leg amputated 11 years ago and has now had his other leg removed. He is now in a rehab hospice and doing much better than ever. The change in him is amazing and shows how really ill and in pain he was before.

That was the extreme end of the unexpected.

Then on Tuesday my laptop gave up the ghost. I now have a new one but I also have Windows 10. I'll get used to it eventually. Plus I always used a separate keyboard and now I actually have to move into this century and use the keys on my laptop. A lot of swearing and whingeing will be the norm for a few days.....LOL

We were also very concerned about the effect of the move on our old cat Deva. She howled the whole way from the old place to here only stopping at red lights and stop signs :) However, she has settled down very nicely and has found lots of new places to hide and sleep. So status quo on that front.

I have a dedicated crafting area that still needs a bit of organization but I already have orders from my granddaughter for some clothes for her American Girl doll. I better get busy.

So at the end of it all we moved to be closer to my brother...lives down the street...and my grandkids...minutes away...and it turns out to have been a very timely decision with all that has happened.  It's a bit strange to be seeing a different view out of the windows but after 40 plus years in the same house...change is a good thing.

Take care :)


  1. Happy New Home! I'm glad you are in and settled...well, as much as you can be right off the bat.

    Change is hard. Hard with family stuff, computers and day to day home life. I cannot begin to imagine packing up and moving after 40 years in one place.

    1. It's certainly been a learning experience about what not to do when you move :)

  2. Oh wow - you've been busy! Moving is not fun at the best of times, but it sounds like you tackled it with the right attitude. Nice to be closer to family, for sure.

    1. Yes it has been hectic. If I sit down for a minute I nod off....LOL But it's all good.

  3. Good to hear it all worked out in the end!
    It must be great to be closer to your family in these worrying times!
    Barbara xx

    1. It's been great except at a social distance :)


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