Thursday, January 10, 2019

TUSAL and the New Moons of earth....not Jupiter.......:)

Well it's time for TUSAL. To learn more about TUSAL go here to Daffycat's blog. 

I apologize as I was doing TUSAL incorrectly last year. I started out okay I think....sigh. Even though I was using the New Moon dates I was telling you about the Full Moons. Arrrggh.

Then as if that wasn't bad enough the new 2019 freebie calendar I was given has the moon phases incorrect. So you know what that means. I would have been doing it wrong YET AGAIN!!!!!!! See January 5, 2019...Full Moon? Should be New Moon!!! Sheesh.

I received the calendar from a very prestigious real estate company. On the back it has a statement that covers the makers for incorrect information so I can't even complain. It also states that "Seasonal dates and lunar phases are based on GMT/UTC." I don't know what planet they live on?

Any way I am now sorted:)

I have this to go by now and I have added the correct NEW MOON dates to my side bar.

Here is my TUSAL jar with it's new label...empty. But, I have plans to fill it up.

Take care :)


  1. Amazing that the calendar had the moon phases messed up and then to print a statement for incorrect information! Too funny. And how many of us readers caught these mistakes? We believed every word you printed, lol.

  2. I cannot believe I did not twig to my error. Even when I had to look at my New Moon date list. Ah well :)

  3. You'd think you could trust a calendar! Mind you, there was one I got a year or so that had Sunday on the wrong end of the week - now THAT was confusing!!!

    1. The next time one of their real estate agents knocks on my door to bug me I will definitely point it out to them. Although I guess I shouldn't complain too loudly as they gave us a bottle of wine at Christmas:)


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