Sunday, July 1, 2018

It's a hot one today................

It is about 4:00 p.m here and it is very very hot.....about .....32C/89.6F. The humidex reading says it feels like 42C/107.6F. We are getting extreme heat warnings so thank goodness for air conditioning.

Just as an FYI for my non Canadian friends.........

The humidex (short for humidity index) is an index number used by Canadian meteorologists to describe how hot the weather feels to the average person, by combining the effect of heat and humidity. The term humidex is a Canadian innovation coined in 1965.

Some of us know how to relax on a hot day. Deva is lying at the end of my sewing table getting full advantage of her pile of cat blankets and the air conditioning.  She has been out cold for about four hours....sheesh:)

Anything that is soft and looks like a possible cozy surface is hers. She's like the Princess and the Pea. Her bed keeps on getting higher. Ah well she is getting on in years. She will be 14 years old this month. Hard to believe.

Take care:


  1. Don't you wish you could sleep like a cat and not be bothered by the heat. I'm dreading heading into our bedroom tonight - no a/c in there and have to rely on a ceiling fan and a tower fan to attempt to keep cool.

  2. Sweet kitty. 14 years is a long life for a cat, isn't it? She sure looks comfortable and loved.
    xx, Carol

  3. Hope you will see my comment ..... as I’m catching up on blog reading!
    Love the photo of Deva “chilling out”! Cats do love to get their own way don’t they!
    It’s 22°c here at present, 23°humidity, cool compared to your temperatures, and my cheeky cat is fast asleep on my lap! He usually sleeps for 6hrs at a time so I will be extracting myself from under him, shortly, to do some stitching! Sooo glad the temperature here is cooling down now! Hope you are cooler too?!
    Barbara x


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